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Google and Amazon in danger, but are they the only ones?

I'm sure you all know what I'm referring to when I talk about “artificial intelligence” and that you probably already have

a general thought on it.

This is the reason why I wouldn't like to dwell too much on what it is, but I would prefer to focus on what the actual creators themselves think.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft Corporation, was invited to express his feelings on this subject at Al Foward 2023 in San Francisco, an event held on May 22 organized by Goldman Sachs and SV Angel.

Here, even though he introduced artificial intelligence as a technological innovation destined to revolutionize the relationship between man and digital, he didn’t lie about how it could bring on a total "upheaval" of our common civilization.

And that’s because, as Gates states, if someone were able to create a "personal assistant" equipped with artificial intelligence, consulting search engines and sites of productivity would become outdated, which is why even Google and Amazon are starting to feel threatened.

Nevertheless, not only the tech giant, but humanity itself should actually feel in “danger”. I might seem exaggerated, but I'm not the only one who think that; in fact, as Goldman Sachs points out, according to some research, the Al, within 10 years, could put as many as 300 million jobs at risk.

And that’s not only because it is capable of overcoming the human brain in some aspects, but also because an assistant like those would obviously cost less than what we can call a "human job".

Of course, Elon Musk, founder of PayPal, didn’t wait to tell us his personal opinion. Somehow, he states how "we should be very careful with this intelligence" since he would define it as "the greatest threat to our existence". Musk has in fact warned engineers not to generate a robot that could "rule the world" precisely because he was kind of scared that once these machines take "awareness" of what they actually are, they could see humans as a kind of threat, as beings capable of turning them off.

Hawking had also spoken about the dangers of these technologies, despite our having perhaps a few more decades to learn how to control them so as to guarantee that they would only bring progress to our future.

Martina Brafa

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